Pulker, H. (2013). Further investigation into the reuse of OERs for language teaching. In L. Bradley & S. Thouësny (Eds.), 20 years of EUROCALL: learning from the past, looking to the future proceedings (pp. 226–230).
The use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to support language teaching and learning in higher education has become standard practice in recent years. While OER initiatives have given considerable attention to teacher’s engagement as well as the sharing of culture and the creation and uploading of OERs, there is little evidence about specific reuse by teachers in the classroom.
This paper builds on a previous study conducted in December 2012 and presents further reflection on the reuse of OERs for teaching French beginners online. Teachers adapt the resources to fit their own teaching styles and gain ownership of the materials, but above all, materials are adapted according to teachers’ own beliefs about online teaching. This paper revisits the types of changes made to original resources and provides further observation about the changes, suggesting intent will always be changed. This paper is of relevance to language teaching practitioners as well as course developers who are interested in reuse of language teaching materials for online language teaching.
Themes: Empirical, Affective, Faculty/Admin Perceptions, OER