OER Citations

From Open Educational Resources to College Credit: The Approaches of Saylor Academy


Hilton Iii, J., Murphy, L., & Ritter, D. (2014). From Open Educational Resources to College Credit: The Approaches of Saylor Academy. Open Praxis, 6(4), 365–374. https://doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.6.4.140


Over the past decade great progress has been made in improving the availability of Open Educational Resources (OER). However, one area in which OER has been deficient is in its ability to lead to college or university credit, something that many users of OER may desire. This article describes the work done by the Saylor Academy in amalgamating OER in such a format that college credit is more easily attainable. We describe not only the theory behind what Saylor has done, but also provide details about the initial stages of their program implementation within specific accredited institutions.

Themes: Empirical, Outcomes, OER