OER Citations

Chinese Faculty Members’ Open Educational Resources (OER) Usage Status and the Barriers to OER Development and Usage


Guo, Y., Zhang, M., Bonk, C. J., & Li, Y. (2015). Chinese Faculty Members’ Open Educational Resources (OER) Usage Status and the Barriers to OER Development and Usage. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 10(5), 59. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v10i5.4819


The purpose of this study was to investigate faculty members’ usage of Open Educational Resources (OER) as well as the barriers to OER development and usage. 360 faculty members from Zhejiang University (ZJU) in China were randomly selected to complete a survey. The study found that: (1) most of surveyed faculty members rarely utilized OER, while they had some awareness of sharing educational resources; (2) the majority noticed online educational materials published for learning or reference, while they ignored open source software or licensing tools for sharing and reusing resources; (3) lack of time and skills were significant obstacles for faculty members to develop OER, while lack of incentives was a potential obstacle; (4) content, experience, and school factors affected faculty members’ OER usage; (5) online teaching experiences impacted incentive to develop OER as well as how to develop OER. It also played a key role in faculty members’ perceptions about the experience and habit factors as possible barriers to OER usage. Results of the study implicate that more serious efforts are needed to improve the awareness and development of OER in China.

Themes: Empirical, Affective, Faculty/Admin Perceptions, OER