2022 Massachusetts PKAL Network Winter Meeting

Developing Equity and Inclusion at the Department Level

A Virtual Meeting Hosted by Bridgewater State University.

February 1, 2022

Virtual Conference
131 Summer Street
Bridgewater, MA 02324

Event Overview

After improving one’s personal practice in teaching and advising, the next important place faculty and STEM administrators can influence equitable outcomes and inclusive excellence is within one’s department. Improving climate, choices about teaching modalities, program review and assessment, and significant review of tenure- and non-tenure-track faculty all happen at the department level where faculty work and have the largest impact. This meeting will highlight national, regional, institutional, and department-level efforts to achieve equity and inclusive excellence within departments.

During the opening plenary, Dr. Jesús Pando, Chair of the Physics and Astrophysics Department at DePaul University will talk about The American Physical Society’s Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA). Read more here.

Following the plenary, participants will share experiences in concurrent sessions featuring workshops and brief presentations on the following themes:

  • Reforms to teaching practices within a department, either for multi-section or gateway courses, that promote equity and inclusion
  • Reforms to department practices and culture that promote inclusion or equitable outcomes
  • Practices that have led to better evaluation and support of full or part-time faculty to enhance or recognize those faculty’s teaching of all students
  • Practices or reforms that have elevated the voices of traditionally marginalized communities within your discipline
  • Other inclusive practices that are leading to more equitable outcomes within your department.


The event kicks-off at 8:45 AM eastern with a welcome; followed by a 9:00 AM opening plenary. Parallel sessions will run throughout the day, concluding at 4:45 PM. Click here to visit the program webpage; to view a PDF of the program, click here.


Registration is online. General registration is $35 per person. Registration is waived for community college faculty and graduate students (by MA PKAL). Registration deadline is Sunday, January 30, 2022.

Non-tenure-track STEM faculty are encouraged to attend, and are eligible to receive a registration fee waiver. Waivers are limited. First-come, first served. The waiver is contingent on participation in a one-hour listening session for non-tenure track STEM faculty attendees and the PKAL executive office. This listening session will serve to inform the future ways in which PKAL is able to ensure that the professional development needs of our non-tenure track colleagues are met.

Please contact Tom Kling at [email protected].