Signing Up as an Individual Member

We are so glad that you are interested in becoming an individual member with AAC&U! Please follow the steps below.

  1. Please confirm that your institution does not have an institutional membership by reviewing the list here. If your institution is a member, that membership covers all administrators, faculty, staff/employees and interested students. You will not need to join…you will need to link your current account to your institution or create a new account that is linked to your institution.
    • If you already have an account with AAC&U (you have been receiving emails from us, attended an event, ordered a publication, etc.), you need to log in to your account and make sure you are linked correctly to your institution.
    • If you have never had an account with AAC&U, you will need to create an account and then link your account to your institution to enjoy all the benefits of membership.
  2. If your institution does not have an institutional membership, then you will be able to join online as an individual member.
    • If you already have an account with AAC&U (you have been receiving emails from us, attended an event, ordered a publication, etc.), you need to log in to your account. Once you log in, there will be a “Join Now” button at the bottom of your account profile under the Membership Section.
    • If you have never had an account with AAC&U, you will need to create an account. Even though your institution is not a member, you must still affiliate with your institution during this process. Once you create your account, there will be a “Join Now” button at the bottom of your account profile under the Membership Section.>

Need Help?

Please note: if you need any assistance during this process, contact the Membership Team at (202) 387-3760 (press #1 for membership) or [email protected]. We will be more than happy to help you at any stage of the process.