This Week on The Academic Minute (2021.08.02)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2021.08.02
Monday, August 2nd
Vikash Gayah, associate professor in the department of civil and environmental engineering at Penn State University, delves into how to fix left turns in busy cities from being time wasters.
Tuesday, August 3rd
Kate Padgett-Walsh, associate professor of philosophy at Iowa State University, takes a humanistic approach to debt.
Wednesday, August 4th
Catherine Bondonno, research fellow at Edith Cowan University, discusses the link to staying healthy and eating green.
Thursday, August 5th
Sophie Kjærvik, Ph.D student in Communication at The Ohio State University, looks into narcissism and aggressive behavior.
Friday, August 6th
Robert Edgell, professor of technology management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, listens in to outer space.
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