The Academic Minute for 2021.05.31-2021.06.04
The Academic Minute from 05.31 – 06.04
Monday, May 31st
Elise Lemire – Purchase College
The Vietnam Veterans’ Anti-War Movement
Elise Lemire is the author of Battle Green Vietnam: The 1971 March on Concord, Lexington, and Boston, just released by the University of Pennsylvania Press. She is a two-time fellowship recipient from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Tuesday, June 1st
Heath Henderson – Drake University
The Limitations of Cash Payments for Fighting Poverty
Heath Henderson is an assistant professor of economics in the College of Business and Public Administration at Drake University. Originally from Rochester, MN, he attended graduate school at American University in Washington, DC where he received a PhD in economics and an MA in international politics. His work has been published in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, World Development, and Journal of Development Studies, among other places.
Wednesday, June 2nd
Lina Begdache – Binghamton University
You Are What Your Stress Level is During the Pandemic
Dr Lina Begdache is an assistant professor in the Health and Wellness Studies department at Binghamton University, NY. She received her PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology with a Neuroscience concentration from Binghamton University. She earned a master’s degree in Nutrition Sciences from the University at Buffalo, NY. Dr Begdache is a registered-Dietitian Nutritionist, a Certified Nutrition-Specialist-Scholar, a Certified Dietitian and a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is also a speaker and a writer on different topics on nutrition, brain health and mood. Her research focuses on depicting and modeling the links between dietary and lifestyle factors (such as sleep and exercise) in relation to stress, mental distress (anxiety and depression) and brain function. She has a special interest in gender differences and age groups as brain morphology differ across these groups.
Thursday, June 3rd
Tyler Anderson-Sieg – University of South Carolina
Our Strategically Lazy Brains
Tyler Anderson-Sieg received his B.S. in Biology and B.A. in Psychology from the University of Missouri – Columbia in 2016 and is currently finishing up his Ph. D. in Biomedical Science (with a neuroscience emphasis). Tyler’s research is focused on understanding how the neurotransmitter acetylcholine interacts with the emotional circuitry in the brain (specifically in the amygdala) with the goal of understanding how it affects our experience of emotions. He is passionate about learning new things and making new findings from cutting edge science easily accessible to non-expert audiences through both written and oral modes of communication. After graduating with his Ph. D., Tyler is eager to turn his passion into a career by becoming a science or medical writer.
Friday, June 4th
Sanya Carley – Indiana University
Energy Insecurity and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Professor Sanya Carley’s research focuses on policy and other efforts aimed at advancing the innovation of low-carbon and efficient energy technologies in both the electricity and transportation sectors. Her recent projects focus on the U.S. energy transition, including a study of vulnerable populations to the transition and a study of public acceptance of energy infrastructure.
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