This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.10.24)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.10.24
Monday, October 24th
Tracy Brooks, associate professor and vice chair at the Binghamton University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, explores one new approach to seeking treatment for cancer patients.
Tuesday, October 25th
Henry Tran, Associate Professor in Education Leadership at the University of South Carolina, examines how to develop more teachers.
Wednesday, October 26th
Andrew Mines, research fellow at George Washington University, delves into why problems still exist for the U.S. in Afghanistan.
Thursday, October 27th
Oscar Fernandez, senior instructor in university studies at Portland State University, examines disrupting trauma tourism.
Friday, October 28th
Rebecca Rozelle-Stone, professor of philosophy and director of the honors program at the University of North Dakota, explores why the news cycle is so tiring.
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