
This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.10.10)

This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.10.10

Monday, October 10th

Timothy Lindberg, assistant professor of political science at the University of Minnesota, Morris, delves into how same-sex marriage became bipartisan.

Tuesday, October 11th

Randall McGuire, SUNY distinguished professor at Binghamton University’s Harpur College of Arts and Sciences, says to solve a problem, get to the root of it.

Wednesday, October 12th

Amit Kumar, assistant professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business, explores why helping others can also help you.

Thursday, October 13th

PJ Verrecchia, professor of criminology and criminal justice at York College of Pennsylvania, applies logic to the problem of gun control.

Friday, October 14th

Justin Hartnett, assistant professor of geography and environmental sustainability at SUNY Oneonta, explores how to predict the future when it comes to predicting snowfall.


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