This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.09.12)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.09.12
Monday, September 12th
Aviva Philipp-Muller, assistant professor of marketing at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, explains changing a person’s attitude on a subject can be tricky.
Tuesday, September 13th
Markus Baer, professor of organizational behavior at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis, discusses why receiving an award for your work may hinder your ability to be creative again.
Wednesday, September 14th
Dylan Roby, associate professor of health, society, and behavior at the University of California, Irvine, determines where you live, not your affiliation, may indicate higher death rates from COVID-19.
Thursday, September 15th
Alicia Walf, senior lecturer in cognitive science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, examines if you are stressed because you’re procrastinating or procrastinating because you’re stressed.
Friday, September 16th
Dennis Jett, professor and founding faculty member at the School of International Affairs at Penn State University, explains why international peacekeeping is so hard.
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