
This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.07.25)

This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.07.25

Monday, July 25th

Joe Laycock, associate professor of religious studies at Texas State University, determines why exorcisms are staying with us.

Tuesday, July 26th

Evan Larson, professor of environmental sciences & society at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, looks at how we think of certain spaces may need to be reimagined.

Wednesday, July 27th

Amity Noltemeyer, professor of school psychology at Miami University, examines the impacts of schools dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thursday, July 28th

Tallie Z. Baram, distinguished professor in the Departments of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Pediatrics, Neurology, and Physiology & Biophysics at the University of California, Irvine, determines why early life adversities can have a lifelong impact.

Friday, July 29th

Mary Koss, regents professor of public health at the University of Arizona, says alcohol is becoming even more prevalent in sexual assaults on campuses.


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