
The Academic Minute for 2022.05.02-2022.05.06

The Academic Minute from 05.02 – 05.06

Monday, May 2nd
Wes Routon Georgia Gwinnett College
Dual Enrollment Pays Off
Dr. Wes Routon is an applied microeconomist with broad research interests, though much of his work falls within education economics, particularly the economics of higher education. Routon has been teaching economics and business statistics since 2009, and has taught at Georgia Gwinnett College since 2014. He enjoys teaching because it is fun and challenging, and he believes everyone can benefit from the economic way of thinking and statistical inference.

Tuesday, May 3rd
Weian Zhao – University of California Irvine
Transforming the Personalization of Care
Dr. Weian Zhao is a tenured full Professor and entrepreneur at the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center, Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of California, Irvine. Dr. Zhao is also a co-founder of several start-up companies that aim to develop technologies for rapid diagnosis, stem cell therapy, and drug discovery, respectively.

Wednesday, May 4th
Bryan Kirschen – Binghamton University
Amidst a Pandemic, a Speech Community Reawakens Online
Dr. Kirschen is an associate professor of Spanish and Linguistics at Binghamton University. As a sociolinguist, his work primarily focuses on the Judeo-Spanish language. He co-directs Binghamton University’s Ladino Collaboratory and directs the Israeli National Authority of Ladino’s international delegation of Shadarim.

Thursday, May 5th
Rosie Shrout – Purdue University
Stress is Contagious in Relationships
Dr. Rosie Shrout (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Purdue University. She is a social-health psychologist studying how couples’ stress affects their relationships and health. Her work focuses on the underlying psychological, behavioral, and biological pathways connecting stress to people’s own and their partners’ relational and physical health across adulthood.

Friday, May 6th
Linda Sauer Bredvik – Heidelberg University
Interacting at the Intersection of Life and Religion
Linda Sauer Bredvik is a sociolinguist who researches at the intersection of language and interreligious encounters. She is interested in how people talk about what they believe with those who believe differently and has spent over five years observing and recording intercultural, interreligious dialogues. As the pandemic forced these conversations online, she began studying how people’s linguistic behaviors changed from in-person dialogues to an online format. Dr. Sauer Bredvik teaches sociolinguistics, empirical approaches to pragmatics and methods of empirical research at the University of Heidelberg, where she earned her PhD. She also has a background in journalism, editing and tourism.


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