
This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.04.04)

This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.04.04

Monday, April 4th

Marshall Jones, professor and graduate program director in learning design and technology at Winthrop University, explores how teaching is harder than you think.

Tuesday, April 5th

Danae Schulz, assistant professor of biology at Harvey Mudd College, describes how to stop one nasty parasite.

Wednesday, April 6th

Willow Henry, professor of health care practice at Franklin Pierce University, examines how the health care field is changing rapidly.

Thursday, April 7th

Markus Wilde, associate professor of aerospace, physics and space sciences at the Florida Institute of Technology, explains how to mitigate the issue of space junk.

Friday, April 8th

Daniel Laufer, associate professor of marketing at Victoria University, discusses who should speak for a multinational company during a crisis.


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