Board Member

Rana Sobh
Professor of Marketing and Director of the Core Curriculum Program, Qatar University
Rana Sobh joined Qatar University in 2007, and earned the Qatar University Merit Award in 2012, celebrating and recognizing her excellence in teaching, research, and service to the internal and external community. She has taught courses in marketing at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including topics such as marketing management, consumer behavior, market research, and international marketing.
Sobh has received four National Priority Research Grants from the Qatar National Research Fund and has collaborated with outstanding scholars in the US and Australia. Her research interests include consumer culture theory, international marketing and communication, sports marketing, and urban public transportation, and her work has been widely published in international journals such as Marketing Theory, Consumption, Markets and Culture, The European Journal of Marketing, Home Cultures, The Australasian Marketing Journal, The Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Advances in Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Communication, and Thunderbird International Business Review.
Sobh holds a PhD in marketing from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.