Publications: AAC&U Permissions Policies
AAC&U charges permissions fees for reproducing material from most of its publications. Fees are calculated at $.05 per page per copy for small requests; flat fees are available for larger requests. Electronic reproduction of AAC&U publications generally is prohibited.
Obtaining Permission
Requests for permission to reproduce an article from an AAC&U periodical should be directed to Copyright Clearance Center.
Requests for permission to reproduce text from a non-periodical AAC&U publication for any purpose should also be directed to [email protected].
Note that AAC&U never grants permission to use works for which authors have retained copyright (when this is the case, it is usually noted at the beginning or end of the work). In such instances, requesters should obtain permission directly from the authors.
Policy Details
Books and other non-periodical publications: A standard $.05 per page per copy fee applies to most uses. Flat fees (see below) may be assessed for large requests to reproduce excerpted material. AAC&U generally does not grant permission to copy entire publications that are currently for sale. Bulk discount rates are available for those interested in purchasing more than ten copies of a publication.
The following credit line must appear on the first page of every copy: "Reprinted [or Excerpted] with permission from [Title]. Copyright [Year] by the American Association of Colleges and Universities."
Liberal Education, Diversity & Democracy, and Peer Review:The standard $.05 per page per copy fee applies to most uses of material fromLiberal Education, Diversity & Democracy,and Peer Review. Flat fees are assessed for large requests according to the following table. Note that these fees are assessed per article, not per request.
fee at standard rate | flat fee | |
$50-$125 | $50 | |
$125-$250 | $100 | |
$250+ | $150 |
Individuals at AAC&U member institutions may request permission to post digital copies of individual articles on internal campus Web-based course management systems (e.g., Blackboard). A fee of $30 will be assessed per article. Permission to post the article will be granted for a period not to exceed 180 days. Requests to post electronic copies should be submitted through the Copyright Clearance Center.
The following credit line must appear on the first page of every copy, whether traditional or electronic: "Reprinted [or Excerpted] with permission from [Title], [vol. #, no. #]. Copyright [Year] by the American Association of Colleges and Universities."
Note that authors, not AAC&U, hold copyright for all content printed in Liberal Education prior to the Fall 1994 issue.
Professional offprints of articles published in Liberal Education, Diversity & Democracy, and Peer Review are also available. Pricing is based on the quantity of offprints requested (with a minimum order of fifty). For a quote, contact Michele Stinson at [email protected] or 1-800-297-3775.
Other periodicals: Copies of articles from AAC&U's other periodicals—AAC&U News and back issues of On Campus With Women—may be made free of charge in most cases. Fees are charged, however, for commercial uses in books.
The following credit line must appear on the first page of every copy: "Reprinted [or Excerpted] with permission from [Periodical Title], [vol. #, no. #]. Copyright [Year] by the American Association of Colleges and Universities."