
Increasing Student Success in STEM: A Guide to Systemic Institutional Change

By Adrianna Kezar and Susan Elrod

Increasing Student Success in STEM: A Guide to Systemic Institutional Change

Intended for faculty, administrators, and other academic leaders poised to mount comprehensive STEM reforms to improve student learning and success, particularly for students from underrepresented minority groups, this guide offers advice on getting started, team and leader development, project management, and sustaining change. It provides benchmarks, key questions for analysis, timeline information, challenge alerts to anticipate common roadblocks, and a rubric to gauge progress. Campus case studies are also included.

Digital Edition

  • $15 (AAC&U Members)
  • $25 (Nonmembers)

Publication Details

  • Date Published: 2016
  • ISBN: 978-0-9961404-4-7
  • Pages: 73