2023 Institute on Teaching and Learning for Campus-wide Interfaith Excellence
The Institute is designed to support faculty, staff, and administrative teams in leading strategic, curricular, and co-curricular change in order to create model environments for interfaith cooperation. The Institute provides practical guidance, mentoring, and resources for campus teams to:
- Integrate interfaith themes, methods, and content into curriculum
- Assess their institution’s assets and growth areas for interfaith cooperation
- Plan for campus-wide facilitation of interfaith cooperation
- Identify opportunities for collaboration across curricular and co-curricular program areas
- Lead efforts to grow institutional capacity for religious diversity and interfaith cooperation
Campus Action Plans
Campus Action Plans: Teams participating in the Institute will propose educational change projects specific to their individual institutions. Teams will leave the Institute having developed action plans for achieving their goals. Expert faculty and other teams at the Institute will provide initial feedback on the plans. While these action plans can vary widely, each plan must have a curricular component. Each campus team will have the opportunity to receive a $3,000 grant to implement their action plan in the year following the Institute, and they will receive ongoing support from Interfaith America and AAC&U as they do so.