2023 Institute on General Education and Assessment


The Institute on General Education and Assessment (IGEA) provides campus teams with opportunities to refine and advance general education programs and their assessment. The Institute features an enhanced curriculum with greater interactivity built in between teams and faculty. With a deep and abiding commitment to ensuring that access to excellence in higher education is available to all students, the Institute maintains a laser-like focus on issues of quality and equity. The curriculum provides both “nuts-and-bolts” tools and pragmatic strategies while connecting to the latest research in curricular coherence and student success.

During the Institute, teams will design equity-minded approaches to integrating general education with the major. These plans will help provide answers to the question, “Why do I need to take this class?” by demonstrating the centrality of general education in connecting student learning with critical social issues that matter to students and society, intentionally aligning with learning outcomes identified as essential for student success in their own lives, their communities, and the workplace.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in exploring sponsorship opportunities? Contact us at [email protected]