Advisory Group: Strengthening Guided Pathways and Career Success by Ensuring Students Are Learning
- Pearl Bartelt
Senior Fellow
- Amy Brown
Senior Research Assistant
Community College Research Center
- Stacey Clawson
Senior Director
Jobs for the Future
- Rob Johnstone
Founder and President
National Center for Inquiry and Improvement
- Alison Kadlec
Founding Partner
Sova Solutions
- Drew Koch
President and COO
Gardner Institute
- Susan Mayer
Chief Learning Officer
Achieving the Dream
- Kay McClenney
Senior Advisor to the President and CEO
American Association of Community Colleges
- Amelia Parnell
Vice President for Research and Policy
Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
- Dwight Smith
Vice Chancellor, Academic Success
Lonestar College
- Gianina Taylor Baker
Assistant Director
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
- Yolanda Watson Spiva
Complete College America
- Josh Wyner
Vice President; Executive Director, College Excellence Program
The Aspen Institute
- Eboni Zamani-Gallaher
Director, Office for Community College Research and Leadership
University of Illinois