In-Person Convening
Advancing Campus Pluralism: Courageous Leadership in Contentious Times
Presidents and senior leaders who participate in the in-person Advancing Campus Pluralism convening will gain valuable insights and build capacity to develop comprehensive strategies for modeling pluralism on their campuses.
March 11, 2025
Westin River North, Chicago, Illinois
The conference will spotlight practical approaches to bridging political, religious, and ideological divides.
As campuses wrestle with heightened tension and polarization, presidents and senior administrators increasingly lack the spaces and opportunities to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them, and expose themselves to constructive criticism. Such an environment makes building bridges across differences for the common good all the more challenging. The convening will feature keynotes and plenary panels addressing polarization and highlighting cooperation models accompanied by two workshop tracks for participants: A Presidents’ track and a Senior Administrator track. Participants will gain valuable insights and build the capacity to develop comprehensive strategies for modeling pluralism on their campuses. We highly encourage you to attend personally and look forward to working together to foster positive change on our campuses and to realize higher education’s potential for creating an inclusive and cooperative academic environment.
The Advancing Campus Pluralism: Courageous Leadership in Contentious Times convening is a collaboration between Interfaith America and AAC&U. Technical registration questions should be directed to [email protected]. Contact Joey Haynes, Program Manager, Interfaith America, [email protected], for all program-related questions, or if you are interested in attending and are part of an organization outside of higher education or a member of the media.