TIDES Institute
Transforming Institutional Drivers for Excellence in STEM
Lansdowne Resort
Leesburg, VA
The AAC&U TIDES Institute focuses on building the capacity of STEM faculty and administrators (individuals and/or teams) to navigate the complexities of institutional change. During this institute, participants will review institutional and departmental policies, traditions, and attitudes related to undergraduate STEM teaching, faculty wellbeing, and STEM culture more broadly. Participants will leave this institute with a root cause analysis of the challenges on their campuses that often limit the ways in which U.S. STEM higher education can accelerate or advance a national reform agenda that is effective, just, and long-term.

About the Institute Curriculum
The AAC&U TIDES Institute, originating from our proven professional development model for driving institutional change, offers a unique opportunity for individuals, as well as teams of STEM faculty and administrators to build capacity and self-efficacy in understanding how higher education systems and structures that can be leveraged to advance undergraduate STEM education reform. Through thought-provoking presentations, zen-like surroundings, reflective practice, experiential learning activities, and expert-led facilitated discussions with institution transformation coaches, this Institute creates a dynamic co-learning space for attendees to design and interrogate new perspectives, practices, beliefs, and attitudes needed to ensure their campuses can meaningfully contribute to the nation's demand for a competitively trained and liberally educated STEM workforce that resembles our present-day society.
During the AAC&U TIDES Institute, participants (either teams or individuals) can expect...
- an expert-guided, intensive review of the literature that conceptualizes and explains organizational change theories and interrogates basic assumptions about how core STEM concepts must be taught and learned;
- deep immersion into self-reflection through mindfulness practice;
- structured discourse that examines and illuminates the ways in which the culture of STEM can be transformed; and
- one-on-one and small-group academic coaching to identify and explore blind spots, design appropriate strategies for eliminating them, and establish systems of accountability needed to continuously manage them.
The 2025 TIDES Institute will be held at the Lansdowne Resort near Washington, DC. Accommodations are included in your registration fee.
Lansdowne Resort
44050 Woodridge Parkway
Leesburg, VA 20176
Who Should Attend
The AAC&U TIDES Institute is designed for STEM faculty and administrators who have reached, or are nearing, a tipping point in building their capacity for institutional change that will meaningfully shape undergraduate STEM education. The state of readiness to take on this work is critical to maximizing the Institute experience. As such, participants are expected to arrive at TIDES prepared to do the deep, thoughtful work that has been repeatedly shown to be essential for significant and sustained change.
Past participants who have indicated the AAC&U TIDES Institute was “transformative” for them include:
- faculty from all STEM and non-STEM disciplines;
- senior and mid-level administrators who have either mandated or been charged with implementing campus change initiatives;
- funded Principal Investigators leading campus- or department-wide projects;
- prior AAC&U and PKAL Institute participants looking to deepen and expand their professional skill sets and make greater contributions to undergraduate STEM reform.
Registration Fees
Registration Deadline: March 20. Click here to register.
Per Person Institute Rates:
* Member: $4900
* Non-Member: $5390
Registration includes:
- Institute tuition and curriculum materials
- Extended access to an institution coach
- Single room accommodations at Lansdowne Resort
- Meals during the Institute
Register Today! Space is limited; first come, first-served.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, individuals may attend as the sole participant from an institution.
Up to 5 people from an institution may register as a team. There is no limit on the number of teams from an institution.
No, there is not a limit on the number of teams from any institution.
No, there is no guarantee that multiple teams from the same institution will be grouped together during the institute.
No, there is not a team discount offered for this Institute.
No. Participants are required to attend the entire Institute.
The registration fee for Institute participants includes Institute tuition and curriculum materials; extended access to an institution coach; Four nights of single room accommodations at the Lansdowne Resort, and meals during the Institute.

Transforming Institutional Drivers for Excellence in STEM (TIDES)
TIDES builds the capacity of STEM faculty & administrators (individuals and teams) to explore the root causes, unwritten codes, & systemic origins of institutional barriers that limit our potential for effective & sustainable institutional change.

Please send questions to [email protected].