2023 Conference on Global Learning
Program Overview
Please note all times are in US Eastern Time and the schedule is subject to change.
Thursday, October 12
> Opening Plenary, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.
- Meeting This Moment: The Urgency and Possibility of Global Learning in Current Contexts – LaNitra Berger — Associate Professor of History and Art History and Director of African and African American Studies, George Mason University; Bernard Kippelen—Vice Provost for International Initiatives and the Steven A. Denning Chair for Global Engagement, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ambassador Carmen Lomellin — Principal, Lomellin Global Partners LLC; Nicole Webster—Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professor of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at the College of Health and Human Development for Pennsylvania State University and Board Chair, International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement; and Dawn Michele Whitehead—Vice President of Global Citizenship for Campus, Community and Careers, AAC&U.
> Poster Presentations, 8:15 – 9:15 p.m.
- Creating a Grab-n-Go Digital Credentials Backpack to Further Empower Lifelong Learners – Jenn Mitchell—Instructure
- Inspiring Global Education: A Proposal for Career Readiness through Mercy Core Values – Deborah Kennard—Georgian Court University and Kathleen Marino—Georgian Court University
- Micro-credentials a pathway to Global and Lifelong Learning –John Okewole—Yaba College of Technology Nigeria
- Developing Short-term Study Abroad Opportunities for Graduate Health Science Students –Samantha Sassone—Lemoyne College and Marisa Davis—Professor of Practice, Le Moyne College
- Building Global Awareness and Engagement in Higher Education through Intercultural Partnership –SoYoung Kang — Gwynedd Mercy University
- Cultivating a Global Mindset: Contemplative Pedagogy to Teach Interdisciplinarity and Global Cinema –Renuka Gusain—Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary and International Studies, UNC Asheville
- Decolonizing the Grand Tour of Europe –Jane McEldowney Jensen—University of Kentucky
- Get Out the Map: An Adventure in Cross-Disciplinary Global Learning –Sally Steindorf — Global Studies, Department Chair, Principia College and Kristin Martin — Principia College
- The Five Pillars of Learning: An Integrative Values Based Approach to Teacher Professional Learning –Omar Salim—Durham College
- Think Global, Act Local: Global Learning at Home through a DEI Lens –Lily Lopez-McGee—Executive Director, Diversity Abroad
Friday, October 13
> Newcomers' Session, 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
> Roundtable Discussions, 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
- The Importance of Second Languages and Multilingualism in Global Learning – Kathleen Stein Smith—Adjunct Faculty, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Metropolitan Campus
- Using Certificates to Enhance Global Learning – Lori Schmied—Director, Global+ Program, Maryville College and Kirsten Sheppard—Director of Global Engagement, Maryville College
- Making College Civic Learning—for the Global Commons—Both Expected and High Impact – David Paris— Civic Learning and Democracy Engagement (CLDE) Coalition
- Justice, Equity, and Belonging: Implications for International Educators – Lily Lopez-McGee—Executive Director, Diversity Abroad
- Post-Brexit Realities & Global Innovation: Lessons from Across the Pond – Patricia Delaney—Cormack Consultancy Group; Kevin Spensley—Cormack Consulting Group - US Director; Ben Matthews—Lancaster University (UK) - Associate Director for Global Engagement; Mark Stevenson—Lancaster University (UK) - Cross-Faculty Associate Dean for Global Engagement; Anne Morgan—Head of International Partnerships, Cardiff University and Jackie Day-Garner—Associate Dean Health, Social Work & Sport, Lancaster University (UK)
- Teaching Across Disciplinary Boundaries – Meg Tyler—Associate Professor of Humanities, Boston University and Davida Pines—Boston University
> Concurrent Sessions, 9:15 – 10:30 a.m.
- Civic and Community Engagement Through Design Thinking - Part 1 – Divya McMillin — Professor, Global Media Studies and Associate Vice Chancellor, Innovation and Global Engagement, University of Washington Tacoma
- Empowering First-Year Students for Global Engagement– Kyla Mayer—University of Washington and Stephen Meyers—Associate Professor of International Studies, University of Washington – Seattle
- Creating Engaged Global Learning Communities through Mediated Peer Dialogue –Kris Acheson-Clair— Director, CILMAR, Purdue University and Becky Schutt—Crossing Borders Education
- Beyond Silos: Integrating Global Learning, Local Community Engagement, and Campus Life– Willy Oppenheim — Founder and Co-Director, Omprakash and Tayo Clyburn — Kettering Foundation
- Building Community for Global Learning–Jann Purdy — Professor, Pacific University and Erica Andree — Pacific University
- Creating a Culture of Assessment through Equity-Based Practices–Danielle Hardesty—Rock Valley College and Lisa Mehlig—Rock Valley College
- Design Rules: Reflecting on Implementing Inclusive Global STEM Learning Experiences–Jerrod Henderson—University of Houston; Ricky Greer—University of Houston; Chrisdolyn Dawson—University of Houston; Vincent Carales—University of Houston and Le Shorn Benjamin—University of Houston
- Advancing Global Learning: Using Belonging to Promote Student Help-Seeking in Higher Education–April Crenshaw, Ed.D. Candidate, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Chattanooga State Community College and Ervin J. China —Associate Professor of Mathematics, Georgia State University
- Going International through the Creation of a Virtual Exchange Infrastructure–Chiara De Santi—Assistant Professor, Farmingdale State College, SUNY
- Professional Development for Effective Global Learning Assignment Design and Assessment–Andrea Francis—Professor,LaGuardia Community College - CUNY and Rajendra Bhika— Professor, LaGuardia Community College – CUNY
- Partnered Professional Development for COIL Virtual Exchange: Research-based Best Practices–Stephanie Doscher—Director, Office of Collaborative Online International Learning (FIU COIL), Florida International University; Eva Haug—Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Raul Alonso Cruz—Florida International University
> Concurrent Sessions, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Civic and Community Engagement Through Design Thinking - Part 2 – Divya McMillin — Professor, Global Media Studies and Associate Vice Chancellor, Innovation and Global Engagement, University of Washington Tacoma
- Go Global: Preparing Online Community College Students to Work and Interact in a Global Workforce –Kenya Wilson—Tarrant County College - Connect Campus
- Fostering transformative hope through the Sustainable Development Goals –Steven Grande—Assistant Professor and Director of the College Student Personnel Administration program, James Madison University and Renée Staton—Professor, James Madison University
- Internationalizing the Id: a global, cross-cultural, and multicultural approach to curriculum – Amy Coren—Pasadena City College
- Collaborating to Meet Global Challenges –Erin Hillis—Director, Buckman Center for International Education, Rhodes College and Andrea Del Balso—Director, Office of Global Citizenship, The University of the South
- Global Learning in Professional Education: UMB Costa Rica Faculty Development Institute – Amy Ramirez—University of Maryland Baltimore and Carlos Faerron Guzman—University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Exploding Silos: Fostering Integrative Thinking through Co-Curricular Global Learning – Noel Habashy—Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State; Dana Naughton—Pennsylvania State University; John Gershenson—Pennsylvania State University and Laura Cruz—Associate Research Professor, Penn State
- Intercultural competence for students, staff and the community –Ross Humby—Southern Alberta Institute of Technology; Dania El Chaar—Intercultural Champion, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology and Joseph Macdonald—Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
- Research on a Global Mental Health Training for Pre-Service Teacher Candidates –Barbara Schwartz Bechet—Misericorida University
- The CLAS Voyage: Equity and sustainability embedding global learning in liberal arts and sciences —Kris Pachla—Director, CLAS Center for Experiential Learning, Grand Valley State University; Meghan Riley—Program Specialist, CLAS Center for Experiential Learning, Grand Valley State University and Guin Thompson—Associate Professor of Illustration, Visual and Media Arts,Grand Valley State University
- Internal Matters – Exploring Mattering in Career Transitions of International Students – Sarah Schiffecker—Research Assistant, Texas Tech University
- The Entrepreneurial and Technological Empowerment Program (ETEP) –Kavita Kapur—Bowie State University and Andrew Mangle—Bowie State University
- Professional Development in a Global Learning Environment –Jennifer Cannon—Marketing Lead, Professional Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Lisa Kaminski—Harvard Institutes for Higher Education
- Catalyzing Global Learning on Our Campus: SIOs’ Perspectives – JY Zhou — Executive Director, Center for Global Engagement, James Madison University; Jill Blondin – Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, Virginia Commonwealth University and David L. Di Maria – Associate Vice Provost for International Education, University of Maryland Baltimore
> Concurrent Sessions, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
- Empowering Student Well-being and Cross-cultural Competence through Virtual Exchange and Global Learning –Mona Pearl—Professor, DePaul University and Kelly Tzoumis—Professor, DePaul University
- Global Learning for All Students through Digital Equity Resources –Wendy Howard—Director, Pegasus Innovation Lab, University of Central Florida (UCF); Estrella Rodriguez—Instructional Faculty, University of Central Florida; and Eric Fabra—University of Central Florida (UCF)
- Increasing Access to Global Learning through Technology –Mihaela Metianu—Assistant Provost for Global Engagement, Florida Atlantic University; Jill Blondin—Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, Virginia Commonwealth University; Caroline Keating—Podium Education and Konstancja Szymanska—Florida Atlantic University
- Curricular Global Challenge as Invitation to Global Learning –Sharon Nagy— Associate Provost, Clemson University; Bridget Trogden—Dean, American University; Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte—Clemson University and Claire Dancz—Research Associate, Clemson University
- Pathways for Student Access and Fluency of Global Learning: A Case Study of Global Learning –Caddie Putnam Rankin—Washington College; Maria Vich—Washington College and Hui-Ju Tsai—Associate Professor, Washington College
- Moving the Needle on intercultural learning: A conversation about embedding intercultural learning –Anne Hornak—Professor, Counseling, Educational Leadership, & Higher Education, Central Michigan University and Michele Bartosek — Faculty, College of Business, Central Michigan University and Dianne DeSalvo—Director of Study Abroad, Central Michigan University
- Building a Community of Global Learning Faculty –Hilary Landorf — Executive Director, Office of Global Learning Initiatives, Florida International University
- Are We Prepared? Addressing Faculty and Staff Preparation for Global Learning Experiences – Kathryn Kloepper — Mercer University and Benjamin Felix Jelen — Assistant Vice President, Global Engagement, Mercer University
- Implementing the Global Community Engaged Learning Course Development Institute at Indiana University – Elizabeth Konwest—Director, Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana University Bloomington and Michael Valliant—Director, CITL Service-Learning Program, Indiana University Bloomington
- The Challenges of Global Learning Assessment: Reflections & Refinements on a Mixed Methods Approach – Korryn Mozisek—Director of Integrative Learning, Office of the Vice Provost for Education, Carnegie Mellon University and Veronica Dristas—Associate Director, Global Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh
- Centering Career Readiness Competencies in the Study Abroad Experience –Matt Van Hoose—Goucher College and Traci Martin— Executive Director, Goucher College
- Cybersecurity Accelerator Program – An Innovative Experiential Learning Solution to Build Access –Brandy Holoman—Executive Director for Workforce Readiness and Programs, The Washington Center
- From classroom to career: Preparing global leaders through the Diplomacy Initiative –Sharmila Udyavar—Associate Director for Global Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Emmy Grace—Program Manager for Global Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Field Trips as an Impactful and Accessible Alternative to Study Abroad Programs –Leia Duncan—Baylor University
- On Campus Initiatives for Comprehensive Internationalization –Stephen McDowell—Florida State University and Cynthia Green—Florida State University
- Reimagining education in the global era – Mike Bogucki — Minerva University; Mara Steiner—Minerva University; Kayla Krupnick Walsh—Dean of Students, Minerva University; and Jason Lindo—Minerva University
> Concurrent Sessions, 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
- Enhancing internationalization-at-home through a more inclusive approach to global learning – Irina Golubeva—Professor and Director of Graduate Program in Intercultural Communication, University of Maryland Baltimore County; David L. Di Maria—University of Maryland Baltimore County and Adam M. Holden—International Partnerships Coordinator, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Global Learning for All Students: A Focus on Equity and Inclusion –Girija Nagaswami—Professor, Community College of Philadelphia; Ilze Nix—Community College of Philadelphia; David Prejsnar—Community College of Philadelphia; Boi Lucia Gbaya-Kanga—Community College of Philadelphia and Gayathri Banavara—Community College of Philadelphia
- Using a Global Epicenter for Immersional and Interdisciplinary Experiences in Global Engagement – Paula Hentz—Director of International Learning, WORLD, Stetson University and Kimberly Reiter—Associate Professor of History, Stetson University
- The Real MVP: Utilizing Graduate Assistants for Undergraduate Study Abroad Leadership Teams – Grace Sims—Indiana University - Bloomington
- Strategic Planning, Improving International Outreach and Student Engagement –Stephen McDowell— Florida State University, Rick Burnette— Florida State University, and Louisa Blenman — Florida State University
- A Faculty Development Institute on Internationalization and Global Learning: Preliminary Findings –Joseph G. Hoff —Director, Office of Global Education and Engagement — University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Adriana Medina — University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Yongling Gorke — University of North Carolina at Charlotte; and Joël Gallegos — University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Global Competence for a Globalized World –Flavia Iuspa—Florida International University
- The Intersect! Preparing Culturally Competent Graduates Equipped to Lead in the Global Workplace – Helen Hammond—Assistant Professor of Management, Grand Canyon University and Charlotte Phillips—Faculty, Grand Canyon University
- Best Practices in Global Learning: What Can We Learn from NATO? –Abby Stonerock — US Army War College
- Enacting a Global Mindset in the American Classroom –Abimbola Akintounde—American College of Education
- Applied/Experiential Learning in Faculty Development: Outcomes from a Faculty Study Abroad Trip –James DeVita — Director of High Impact Pathways and Associate Professor of Higher Education, University of North Carolina – Wilmington and Jess Boersma—Chief of Staff and Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Global Engagement, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
- Global Classrooms: An Experiential Approach to Faculty Development for COIL/VE –Aaron Zachmeier—UC Santa Cruz; Jessie Dubreuil—UC Santa Cruz and George Sabo—UC Santa Cruz
- Culture and Connection: Co-curricular Intercultural Education Program Design and Implementation –Adeola Fayemi—Auburn University and Mariela Delgado—Educational Coordinator, International Cultural Center, Auburn University
- Global Experiences in Semester Curriculum –Lauren Sinclair— Loyola Marymount University and Deanna Cooke — Loyola Marymount University
- How short-term study abroad can provide global learning opportunities for first-generation students –Holly Joyner—Baylor University
- Global Learning through Network Courses and COIL Virtual Exchange –David Shein—Bard College; Jon Rubin—Director, COIL Connect for Virtual Exchange and Brenda García Portillo—Universidad de Monterrey
> Concurrent Sessions, 4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
- Empowering Students for Global Collaboration: Leveraging VE/COIL to Address Global Challenges –Veronica Onorevole—AAC&U; Hope Windle—SUNY COIL Center; and Younus Mirza—Director of Global Virtual Learning, Shenandoah University
- Widening the Circle: Exploring Ways to Address Global Issues Through Global Community Engagement –Ariane Schratter—Maryville College; Lori Schmied—Director, Global+ Program, Maryville College and Kirsten Sheppard—Director of Global Engagement, Maryville College
- Breaking through Differences and Distances by Internationalizing Curriculum and Virtual Exchange –Shuang Zhao — Professor, Lone Star College-Montgomery
- Bridging Perspectives: Fostering Global Dialogue in the University Classroom –Krisztina Domjan — Professorial Lecturer, American University and Susan George — Professorial Lecturer, American University
- From Maryland to Kurdistan: a transformative virtual exchange journey –Laura Miller—Prince George's Community College
- Global Learning Supports Global Readiness - Projects with Purpose –Brian Bilich—Workforce Project Coordinator/Global Learning Manager, Austin Community College District
- Peace Talks –Ann Fournier—Associate Professor of Nursing, Colby-Sawyer College; Benjamin Rieke—Assistant Professor, Colby-Sawyer College and Kathleen Nunes—Colby-Sawyer College
- Build from Within: Engaging Students as Global Learners —Yuanqi Wang — Assistant Director for Experiential Learning, Vanderbilt University and Chalene Helmuth — Vanderbilt University
- Three Countries, Two Continents, One Amazing Semester —Rebecca Zanolini—Assistant Professor/ Site Director, Florence, Lipscomb University
- Global learning demands life-long learning: Resources for professional development – Kris Acheson-Clair—Director, CILMAR, Purdue University
- Engaging faculty: creating space and opportunity for faculty to engage globally –Elizabeth Langridge-Noti—University of California, Davis
- Internationalizing the Curriculum - An Experiential Approach to Faculty Development –Janice Kinghorn—Professor of Teaching, Department of Economics and Director of Assessment, Farmer School of Business, Miami University; M Hay-Rollins—Professor, Miami University and Christe McKittrick—Miami University
- Advancing SDG-led Transformative Higher Education –Wendy M. Purcell — Professor, Rutgers University
- Meeting Global Challenges Head-On: Using Global Citizenship to Craft Inclusive Learning Environments –Renee Lamb—Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
- Using Learning Styles to Increase Understanding Globally –Schevaletta Alford—John Jay College
- Interdisciplinary Horizons in Global Mentorship –Shu-Chen Chen—Associate Professor of Chinese, University of Virginia
- Pedagogy for a connected world: the OSUN Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences Pedagogy –David Shein—Bard College / OSUN; Erica Kaufman—Director, Institute for Writing & Thinking and OSUN Center for Liberal Arts and Science, Bard College; Ibrahim Marazka—Al Quds Bard College and Lyubomir Terziev—American University of Bulgaria
- Using Intercultural Perspectives To Make Race Visible: Understandings Of Whiteness Across Cultures –Sherwood Smith—Senior Executive Director for Inclusive Excellence & Faculty Engagement, University of Vermont
- Rooted by Black-Centered Praxis: Rethinking Experiential Learning –Sabea Evans—Partnerships Manager, BlackSpace Urbanist Collective & Member, Leadership Team, Lagim Tehi Tuma/Thinking Together; Lucia Gbaya-Kanga—Assistant Professor of English, Black Studies Coordinator. and Study Abroad Coordinator, Community College of Philadelphia; Rajaa Issah—Leadership Team Member and Dagbani Language Mentor, Lagim Tehi Tuma/Thinking Together Program, M.A. candidate, University for Development Studies; Alice Lesnick—Chair and Term Professor of Education; Associate Dean for Global Engagement, Bryn Mawr College; Co-Director, Lagim Tehi Tuma /Thinking Together Program; Mahama Safianu—Founder & Director, Dalun Information, Communications, and Technology Centre; Administrative Officer, Titagya Schools and Alhassan Sumaila—Co-Director, Lagim Tehi Tuma/Thinking Together Program
Saturday, October 14
> Affinity Groups, 8:00 – 8:45 a.m.
- To be announced.
> Concurrent Sessions, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
- Maximizing Career-readiness for Humanities Majors –Tobias Barske—University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and Jacqui Guthrie—University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
- Global Challenges, Local Responses: Culturally Competent Practices for Addressing Sexual Misconduct –Tyler Chalmers—McDermott Will & Emery; Lisa Linsky—McDermott Will & Emery; Greer Griffith—McDermott Will & Emery and Elizabeth Rodd—McDermott Will & Emery
- Global Learning is for Everyone –Zoe Petropoulou—Senior Director for Global Initiatives - Associate Professor, St. John's University; Phyllis Conn—Associate Professor/Chair, Department of Core Studies, St. John's University; and Heidi Upton—Associate Professor, Department of Core Studies, St. John's University
- Integrating Global Learning into General Education: Ensuring Access and Equity –Veronica Onorevole—AAC&U; Stephanie Doscher—Director, Office of Collaborative Online International Learning (FIU COIL), Florida International University; GianMario Besana—Associate Provosts for Global Engagement and Online Learning, DePaul University and Jennifer Wiley—Managing Director, CoreCollaborative International
- Integrating Social Justice & Global Learning Perspectives –Shanna Saubert—Associate Director, Research & Scholarship, NAFSA: Association of International Educators; Blase Scarnati—Professor of Musicology, Kitt School of Music/former Director of Global Learning, Center for International Education, Northern Arizona University and JY Zhou—Executive Director, Center for Global Engagement, James Madison University
- Global Virtual LIVE: Interactive Cohort-model Short-term Virtual Programs –Laura Grodewald—Georgian Court University and Timothy White—Director, International Academic Initiatives, Montclair State University
- Project Based Learning in South America –Ginnifer Gee—Associate Vice Provost, University of Texas San Antonio; Rachael Miller—University of Texas San Antonio and Erica Clark—University of Texas San Antonio
- Getting the Most Out of Inviting Practitioners into Classrooms – Abby Stonerock—US Army War College
- Career Advancement through International Internships: Study Abroad for All–Quynh Dang — Director of Experiential Learning, University of Central Florida and Estrella Rodriguez — Instructional Faculty, University of Central Florida
- Reflections on Remote Teaching with Graduate Students in Central Asia: Reflections 2020-2023 –John Shekitka—Assistant Professor, Manhattanville College
- Assessing Community Health Needs through a Community-Based Pharmacy Quality Improvement Project –Jed Metzger — Professor of Social Work/Chair Beston International Scholarship, Nazareth University; Mark Primus — Nazareth University; and Samantha Sassone — Lemoyne College
- Atlanta Global Research & Education Collaborative: Modeling Institutional and Community Collaboration –Anthony Lemieux — Atlanta Global Studies Center (Georgia State University); Stuart Minson — Atlanta Global Studies Center (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Obse Ababiya — Emory University
> Concurrent Sessions, 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.
- The Access and Opportunity Revolution: Global Learning, Intercultural Fluency, and Career Readiness –Antoinette Boyd—Maryville University and Brian Gant—Maryville University
- Global learning rooted in solidarity: Experiences in Zambia –Martha Ritter—Associate Professor, Cabrini University; Susan Pierson—Cabrini University; Erin McLaughlin—Cabrini University and Ann Servey—Cabrini University
- Using AI to Promote Inclusivity in Global Learning Environments –Peter Shea—Director, Office of Professional Development, Middlesex Community College and Devan Walton—Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Northern Essex Community College
- Reparative International Education & Global Learning for All: A Common Agenda for Global Justice –Ross Lewin—University of Maryland and Raluca Nahorniac—Director, Global Learning Initiatives, University of Maryland
- Scaling SDG Project Challenges across the State University of New York –Mara Huber—Associate Dean for Undergraduate Research and Experiential Learning; Director, Experiential Learning Network, University at Buffalo, State University of New York; Michael Jabot—SUNY Distinguished Professor, Science Education, SUNY Fredonia and Hope Windle—SUNY COIL Center
- Empowering Global Citizenship through Badging at a Small Liberal Arts College –Olivia Mattos—St. Francis College; Reza Fakhari—Vice-President for Internationalization, St. Francis College and Daniel Cooper—Associate Director of Internationalization, St. Francis College
- High-Impact Practices: First-Year Students' Intercultural Competence Development –Lorien Romito—Senior Director, International Education, Babson College and Alexandra Desaulniers—Program Manager, Boston University
- Building Glocal Communities: Exploring the Power of International Cohorts –Sarah M. Schiffecker, Research Assistant — Texas Tech University and Mary Norman — Texas Tech University
- Innovative Approaches in International Collaborative Courses between Japanese and US Universities –Akiko Imai—Showa Women's University and Alyssa Radtke—Assistant Director, Leeds Scholars Program/Specialty Programs & STEM Initiatives, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado
- Global Science: Integrating Global Learning in Rural STEM Teacher Preparation Programs –Vesna Dimitrieska—Coordinator, Global Education Initiatives, Indiana University Bloomington (IUB)
- Fostering Equitable and Inclusive Global Learning –Sandra Winn—SUNY Empire State University; Linda Jones—SUNY Empire State University and Kimberly Marsella—SUNY Empire State University
- Strategies to Innovate University Education – Litzie Caroline Ayala Borda—Franz Tamayo University - UNIFRANZ and Marcia Ximena Gumiel Rocha —Franz Tamayo University - UNIFRANZ
- Students as content creators: Developing and advancing a global digital media program – Meggan Houlihan—Bard College / Open Society University Network; Eva Egensteiner—Assistant Program Manager, Digital Educational Media Producer, Bard College / Open Society University Network; Anita Tarnai—Program Manager, OSUN Network Collaborative Courses, Bard College and Timand Bates—OSUN Online Courses Manager, Bard College
- Virtual Multinational Engagement: Combining COIL, VE, and V Interships to Advance Global Learning –Allison Witt—Univeristy of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Meeting New People, Challenging Assumptions: Immersive Experiences & Intercultural & Global Learning – Korryn Mozisek—Director of Integrative Learning, Office of the Vice Provost for Education, Carnegie Mellon University
- Small College, Big Impact: Bringing the World to Rural Missouri –Heidi LaVine—Director of the Honors Program/Associate Professor of English, Westminster College (Fulton, MO) and David Jones—Professor of Psychology and Chief Accreditation Officer, Westminster College
> Closing Plenary, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Toward Full Participation: Ensuring Abundant and Inclusive Global Learning for All – Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, Former Chief Diversity Officer for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, US Department of State; President, Middle East Policy Council; and Dawn Michele Whitehead—Vice President of Global Citizenship for Campus, Community and Careers, AAC&U