2025 Annual Meeting

Pre-Meeting Design Session: Designing Partnerships for Thriving

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 /

Designing Partnerships for Thriving: How to Leverage Campus and Community Relationships to Promote Public Purpose

How would you create a flourishing community at the intersection of wellbeing, civic engagement, and career preparation? Take part in a series of interactive design conversations with a community of diverse stakeholders to develop action steps for engaging sustained partnerships, on and off campus, that actualize a true ecosystem approach to facilitating care and collaboration within colleges and universities.

Higher education’s public purposes have historically been linked with providing the skills needed for students to thrive in their careers, communities, and lives. Yet, the ways in which these public purposes are achieved remain highly siloed endeavors across colleges and universities. This design-centered workshop, co-created and facilitated by AAC&U's Office of Research and Public Purpose and the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network, will engage participants in strategic exercises to identify, develop, and sustain the partnerships needed to more fully realize their institution’s public purposes.

Participants will:

  • Gain insight into the barriers to and opportunities for increasing partnerships for thriving on campus and beyond, including connections with community partners
  • Explore how “emotional intelligence” skills and tools can support faculty, staff, and students to authentically connect thriving across career readiness, community engagement, and individual wellbeing
  • Apply learning to create actionable strategies for advancing partnerships within their own campus context and in connection with broader institutional strategic priorities.


Preregistration is required to attend.

  • Ashley Finley

    Facilitator: Ashley Finley

    Vice President of Research and Senior Advisor to the President, AAC&U

  • Joshua Freedman

    Facilitator: Joshua Freedman

    Co-Founder and CEO of Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network

  • Keith Buffinton

    Executive Director, Coalition for Transformational Education

  • Beatriz Gonzalez

    President of Wolfson Campus, Miami Dade College

  • Lori Collins-Hall

    Project Director for the Endeavor Learning Collaborative for Mental Health and Wellness; Consultant, Strategic Consulting and Revenue Generation, Sterling College (Vermont)

  • Jeremy Jenson

    Jeremy Jensen

    Chief of Police, Dubuque Police Department

  • Greg Lucas

    Director of Social and Emotional Learning, New Visions for Public Schools

  • Joe Tranquillo

    Associate Provost for Transformative Teaching and Learning, Bucknell University

Session Overview

Part One: Engage 
12:30-12:45 p.m.Introduction
12:45-1:05 p.m.Engaging Voices and Perspectives: What does well-being mean to each of us and why does it matter on our campuses? Story circles and discussion
1:05-1:25 p.m.Engaging Partners: How do we identify stakeholders and find common cause?
1:25-1:45 p.m.Engaging Design: How do you envision starting to address these stakeholder perspectives? How do we start to bring these perspectives together and create partnerships that begin to center this work?

Break (15 minutes)

Part Two: Activate 
2:00-3:00 p.m.

Activating What’s Possible with Campus Models: Panel featuring invited speakers from different institutions and organizations who are promoting emotional intelligence and holistic wellbeing in their work. Invited speakers will share their perspectives on the role of wellbeing in their work, how they’ve begun to approach the topic, and the partnerships they envision it will take to ground wellbeing as a core value within their institutions.

Speakers include:

  • Beatriz Gonzalez, President of Wolfson Campus, Miami Dade College
  • Jeremy Jenson, Chief of Police, Dubuque Police Department
  • Keith Buffinton, Executive Director, Coalition for Transformational Education
  • Joe Tranquillo, Associate Provost for Transformative Teaching and Learning, Bucknell University
  • Lori Collins-Hall, Project Director for the Endeavor Learning Collaborative for Mental Health and Wellness; Strategic Consulting and Revenue Generation, Sterling College VT

Snack Break (30 minutes)

Part Three: Reflect 
3:30-3:45 p.m.Reflection on Campus Context with Design Sprint: How do these discussions help you to envision successful partnerships for thriving on your campus?
3:45-4:10 p.m.Design-sprint: Create an action plan for expanding partnerships to create conditions for purpose, thriving, and wellness
4:10-4:20 p.m.Final Reflection: Post-it note exercise: What impact do you want to make for these stakeholders?
4:20-4:30 p.m.Closing thoughts and next steps